
Interview (Source : www.toray.co.jp) Q. This is the 2nd time in 2 years that you have played in The Toray Pan Pacific Tennis Tournament. What was your impression of this Tournament? A. It's wonderful. I am always looking forward to coming back here. As it's my 2nd time playing here, I am very excited and I think the Tournament is organized very well, and now that the players get everything they ask for it's great and the fans enjoy it, so it's one of the happiest tournaments I think. I really like coming back here. Q. At PPO, Toray's artificial turf, Spuckturf features. How did you like it? A. It was great. Because I like to play on fast courts it really is good for me. Q. Do you like Japan? A. Oh, Japan's great. I love Japanese food and I love everything that comes from here. It's awesome. I am always happy to come back here. I was really disappointed when I could not come here in September. I'm definitely coming back next year, and the next and the next. Q. Your fans will be excited. A. I am enjoying playing here because I get a lot of support. It's very good. Q. You said you liked Japanese food. Do you have a particular favorite? A. Japanese food? I like shabu-shabu, and sushi and everything really. I like rice a lot. My goal is to really turn professional Q. You have been playing tennis since you were 5 and you turned professional at 14. What made you decide to turn pro? What were your goals for it and your goals for the future when you turned professional? A. Well, as long as I can remember, I was playing tennis so it was natural for me to start playing in professional tournaments at 14 because that's the next step up when you play juniors for a while. So, it was very natural. Q. What are your goals? A. Well, to really use my potential, to really turn professional. Q. Was there a change in your attitude towards tennis before and after you turned professional? A. Well, it's definitely different from juniors. It's not a matter of turning professional, you have to do everything for it, you have to be bright, sleep a lot, sacrifice a lot and really be professional. It's always your job; it's always tennis. Q. You are always travelling, so how do you maintain physical condition? A. I go to the gym everyday. Today, even after the match, I went to the gym. So I work out a lot. My coach takes care of me, makes me run, so it's good. Q. You are travelling with your mother? A. And my father. Q. When you are travelling with your parents, what good does your parents' influence have on you? A. Oh, everything. Especially being the youngest in the tournament, it's very hard to be alone. I'm very happy that both my parents can travel with me. I always have someone to talk to and giving me good advice. They are the closest people I have. So it's good. I read a lot of history books about the European culture Q. I heard you like listening to music. A. Yes. Q. Is there a particular song that you like? A. It depends on the mood. If it's before a match, you need to listen to happy, loud, and exciting music, and when it's nice and calm, I just listen to relaxing music. So it depends... Q. You also like reading, right? A. Well, I am reading mostly in Russian, and a lot of history books about the culture and the history of France and European history, kings and everything to do with history, including Egypt as well as Russian history. Q. Are there any specific topics that you are intereted in? A. There are many different ones, for example I am reading a lot about Louis XIV and his life and about other different rulers of the world. The next one I want to read is Cleopatra's life, for which I already have the book. Q. You have mentioned in the past that if you had not become a tennis player, you'd like to become an actress. Do you have any specific plans in that area? A. No, not right now. I said if I had not become a tennis player, but it would be hard now, as all I do is play tennis. Q. All your fans are very pleased to see you on the cover of some fashion magazines. Is it difficult playing tennis and doing something else at the same time? A. It takes a lot of work. To have photos taken, it's a lot of hard work especially when I am concentrating on my tennis. I want to be ranked in the top 7 or 8 Q. You talked about your goals in your interviews. When you turned professional at the age of 14 you were ranked 281? A. No I had no ranking. Q. You had no ranking at first but now you are ranked 11th? A. Yes. Q. Can you tell us again about your goals for the future? A. Well, I would really like to be ranked in the top 7 or 8 and try to really make it a career and really use all my potential. Q. In the Toray Group there are many tennis fans as well as your fans. Could you send them a message of encouragement? A. I would like to say keep on playing tennis. To start playing tennis is good for your health. I am always happy to come back here in Japan and play in the tournament and to play in Japan. So, I am very excited about it. Thank you very much.